Re-Greening Africa
Re-greening Africa with Trees is a program that sought to reverse land degradation among 500,000 households, and across one million hectares in eight countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Supports Government of Kenya’s commitment to restore 5.1 million hectares of land as part of the Bonn Challenge and the Africa Forest Landscape Initiative (AFR100), and 10% tree cover as outlined in the Constitution, the project aimed to reverse land degradation through trees on 150,000 hectares of land and contribute to food security for 50,000 households by 2022.
The program supported mind-set change and incentives for practicing evergreen agriculture, enhancing farmer access to quality tree seedlings, and strengthening farmer access to markets information services and profitable market participation around tree-based value chains.
Led by World Vision Kenya with technical support from ICRAF, the project ..
reached households through:
- Lead farmers as community change agents.
- School environmental clubs, churches and community groups.
- Model sites and exchange learning events.
- Tree based value chains.